QuickReport is a banded report generator written in 100% Delphi code that integrates very closely with Delphi and C++Builder. Design reports within the Delphi/C++Builder IDE using the form designer as a report designer. Basic Features Report Designing - QuickReport is a banded report generator written in.

Ali.Mustapha wrote:hello alexp I just have another question, why i cant choose another database within the fastreport, i have two uniconnections in my application which connect to different databases but in some reports i want to use queries from the two databases, but i cant, because only one database is shown in fast report which is the one i choosed to be the default database in frxUniDACComponents1. I hope i explained well my problem. Hope to hear from you soon. Thanks in advance.

Hindi font for word 2016. Depending on how you want to deploy your application, the following may or may not work for you: I'm using FastReport Professional 5.1 / UniDAC Professional 5.5.11 / Delphi XE2 Use the TfrxDBDataSet component. Then you can link this to any UniDAC dataset via the DataSet property.

So if you have 2 UniQuery on your data module (one for each UniConnection), and if you want to switch the database at runtime, then for your frxDBDataSet component, you simply change the DataSet property to point to the correct UniQuery, and then re-open the report. The report (TfrxReport) is linked to the frxDBDataSet from inside (menu Report->Data). -- Steve Faleiro. Hi alex and Steve Faleiro, sorry for the late in the reply, but I was in my annual vacation. The problem that in fastreport when I add unidacquery it automatically select the Database property which is linked to the frxUniDACComponents1 default database property, which is very useful if I have one uniconnection in my app, but I have two uniconnection each one linked to different databases ( one local and the another is over network ), in some reports I want to use both connections inside the fast report and not inside Delphi ( because in Delphi I can solve this issue but for end users who want to edit the reports it is not useful ).


So the solution must be that when I drop unidacquery in my report it must allow me to choose between the two connections. Sorry again for the late in the reply. Thanks for your help.

QuickReport 6.00 Pro XE2-XE10 Retail 174 Mb QuickReport is a set of components and controls that allow reports to be designed and previewed in the and C++ Builder IDEs. Including Quickreport functionality can then be deployed royalty free. QuickReport is a banded report generator written in 100% code that integrates very closely with and C++Builder.

Design reports within the /C++Builder IDE using the form designer as a report designer. Basic Features Report Designing - QuickReport is a banded report generator written in. Integrated very closely with and C++Builder, reports are designed in the IDE, using the IDE form designer as a report designer. Data connectivity - Quickreport can use any data component descended from the VCL TDataset class. The abstract table component provides a means to access any data that can be seen by or C++Builder while retaining all report features. Output modes - reports may be sent directly to a printer, saved in document format for later viewing, or saved as HTML, PDF, XML, CSV, XL, WMF or ASCII format. HTML and PDF may be streamed for fileless output.