What is this? Mod_spnego enables the usage of Kerberos to authenticate users of a website running on the Apache HTTP Server (httpd) on Windows.

M&S News and Insights Kerberos Module for Apache - mod_auth_kerb Download (mod auth kerb) Kerberos Module for Apache – mod_auth_kerb Download (mod auth kerb) In case you are having trouble finding the Kerberos Module for Apache like some of our customers have, we have decided to host it on our website as well. Primeri po matematike 3 klass schet v predelah 1000 mg.

The authenticated user is then available in the server variable AUTH_USER. Installation Just copy the binary mod_spnego.so to the modules directory of the Apache installtion and add it to the modules list in httpd.conf: LoadModule spnego_module modules/mod _spnego.so To enable it on a site or directory, add the following directives to it: AuthName 'Windows Authentication' Require valid-user AuthType SPNEGO Krb5ServiceName HTTP Krb5RemoveDomain 1 You might need to install the Visual C++ Runtime Libraries if they're not already there. Binary download Is available at Parameters • Krb5ServiceName: the Kerberos service name(s), separated with a single whitespace • Krb5RemoveDomain: 0 to NOT strip the domain name from the user's login, any other number to strip it.

• Krb5AuthEachReq: 0 for shared authentication, any other number to authenticate each request • Krb5AuthorizeFlag: checks if user matches list given in httpd.conf The last two are untested. Use at your own risk. Build The project was created using Visual Studio 2012 and you'll also need Apache 2.2 installed.

The project assumes C: Program Files (x86) Apache Software Foundation Apache2.2 as the installation directory. Limitations The version available here has some limitations compared to the original version: • Windows only • Apache 2.2 only (it does NOT work on 2.4!) Contrary to the original it works reliable under high load conditions, but no warranty whatsoever is made that it is fit for any purpose. Use it at your own risk! Credits The original version of this library was written by Frank Balluffi and Markus Moeller. It is available at.

I've been considering deploying mod_auth_kerb on our internal web servers to enable SSO. The one obvious problem I can see is that it's an all-or-nothing approach, either all your domain users can access a site or not. Is it possible to combine mod_auth_kerb with something like mod_authnz_ldap to check for group membership in a particular group in LDAP? Accounting software in visual basic free source code pdf. I'm guessing the KrbAuthoritative option would have something to do with this?

Also, as I understand it, the module sets the username to be username@REALM after authentication, but of course in the directory the users are stored as the username only. Furthermore, some internal sites we run such as trac already have a user profile linked to each username.

Is there a way to resolve this, perhaps by stripping off the realm bit after authentication somehow? It's the whole point of the authn/authz separation in 2.2 that you can authenticate with one mechanism, and authorize with another. Authentication provides you with a setting of REMOTE_USER, which you then can use authz_ldap against. In addition, authn_ldap searches then for a user (converting the REMOTE_USER to a DN if found, using search criteria you have to specify - e.g. Searching for CN). Then, when a DN has been found, you can specify requirements on the LDAP object. If all users accessing a resource must be in the same OU, you specify require ldap-dn ou=Managers, o=The Company.