Jan 8, 2018 - Crystal Reports History: it was first released in 1991 by the Cunningham Group under titled (Quick Reports), then another version came up. Dear Bruno yu, Thanks for the information. But it doesnt fully solve our current problem. The requirement is to dynamically set the file properties of the Exported report document such as ReportAuthor,Repor ttitle Comments etc.

I understand having CR2008 will not give me license for CR9.That is the reason for asking to get trial version. Have you called SAP to see if they can help? I have not called SAP yet. Will their CR9 application run your CR2008 reports? Yes.their CR9 app will be running CR2008 reports and that is the reason for the problem. CR2008 reports is in need of using optional parameters which are features of CR 2008 and is not available in CR9.

So my plan to solve this problem is, Have a reports menu full of links to Cr2008 and run that report in CR9 and when a link to CR 2008 is clicked, it should close the CR9 and open up 2008 report. I wanted to try that on my machine with trial version of CR9 before proceeding in that direction.

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Bloki avtokad dveri na. I am new to crystal reports. And am using Crystal reports 9 with VB6 and an access Database.

I have my report designed an it is displaying the data in a cross tab. It is displaying 3 fields from my database, and is displaying ALL the data from those fields. I need to filter it down by date. In VB, the user will select two dates from DTPicker controls, then when they click a button to show the report, the report should only contain data BETWEEN those two dates. I have no idea how to do this. The date field in the DB is called 'DateFinished'. I then have to send this report automatically by email.

Which isnt working either, it works once, then doesnt work after that. Here is the code I am using: visual basic code:-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' this exports the report to PDF format automatically. U have to take crystal report control on the form. Then u write code on command button click event. See this code that will definatly work proper Private Sub cmdShow_Click() objsave.InsuranceRegister ObjStock.StockBalance Dim sql As String If DTPFrom.Value > DtpTo.Value Then MsgBox 'Plz Enter Valide Date.'