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Dentrix Dental Software More than 35,000 dental practices rely on Dentrix® practice management software. Dentrix leads the dental software market by providing solutions for both the clinical and business sides of your practice. Plus, Dentrix helps you build your practice with integrated eServices — innovative dental software that adds new capabilities to your system — and 'Dentrix Connected' products from top dental technology companies. You can equip your practice with Dentrix dental software now and enrich it for years to come with our growing network of partner products. Expand Your Care with Dentrix Smart Image Dentrix Smart Image expands your ability to provide quality care by connecting your clinical and financial process into one efficient workflow.

When you acquire diagnostic images, Smart Image automatically associates them with the correct CDT codes for accurate billing, and displays them in the patient chart. Now the patient’s 2D and 3D images can be accessed without leaving Dentrix. Connecting the CDT codes with the images saves you time from manual entry and helps you get paid for the procedures you perform.

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