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The leaves are harvested from the wild and used for making baskets, as a packing material etc. The plant has been cultivated for this purpose in Indonesia[. Articulata occurs discontinuously from Madagascar through Sri Lanka, China and South-East Asia (Thailand, Indo-China, Peninsular. Lepironia articulata occurs discontinuously from Madagascar through Sri Lanka, South-East and East Asia to Australia, the Caroline Islands. Author: Dishicage Gardazshura Country: Cayman Islands Language: English (Spanish) Genre: Software Published (Last): 5 December 2007 Pages: 131 PDF File Size: 19.38 Mb ePub File Size: 3.7 Mb ISBN: 535-6-57480-260-4 Downloads: 40913 Price: Free* [ *Free Regsitration Required] Uploader: From Lepirlnia, the free encyclopedia. The stems of Lepironia articulata are very good weaving material, highly valued in Madagascar, because of its durability, suppleness and workability.

See Terms of Use for details. Leaves reduced to bladeless sheaths, 3—30 cm long, upper one longest, split on one side, margins overlapping, brownish or reddish. Kew Bulletin 56 2: Within the subfamily CyperoideaeLepironia L. Cookies help us deliver our services. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.

Harvesting is year-round and is done by pulling up flowering stems together leepironia cutting them to the required size. Catalogue of the Vascular Plants of Madagascar. The main production area of L. It is a weed of rice fields in Malaysia. Lepironia articulata Leaves reduced to bladeless sheaths, cm long, upper one longest, split on one side, margins overlapping, brownish or reddish.

Total living biomass production above and below ground for Lepironia articulata in the Tasek Bera swamp in Peninsular Malaysia has been estimated at 2. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington D. It grows in oligotrophic, slightly acid pH 5. Lepironia articulata (PROTA) – PlantUse English These bundles are pounded with rice pestles until they are flat and ready for weaving.

This is much lower than the biomass production of other tropical aquatic sedges, such as Cyperus papyrus L. No germplasm collections or breeding programmes are known to be underway.

Because of the wide range of packaging materials available nowadays, mats and other products made from L. No germplasm collections or breeding programmes of L.

Not to be confused with Lepyronia. In view of its wide distribution area, Lepironia articulata does not seem to be threatened with extinction. Navigation menu Personal tools Log in Request account.

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