Welcome to the CADTUtor forum johnculver. Tip #1: Upgrade to a newer version of LT and you'll experience far fewer problems. Is your version of Win7 32-bit or 64-bit?

Klyuch produkta dlya dobavleniya komponentov v windows 8. 5,679 thoughts on “ March 2016 ” Marsue March 30, 2016 at 12:57 am. Thanks for conbnitutirg. It’s helped me understand the issues. Smithf793 April 29, 2016 at 8. 1> vtorichnyi metod dostupa. V bazah dannyh - sovokupnost' sredstv dlya obespecheniya effektivnogo dostupa po vtorichnym klyucham (secondary key). Secondary attribute 1> vtorichnyi atribut (otnosheniya relyacionnoi bazy dannyh). Atribut, ne vhodyashii ni v odin klyuch (key) otnosheniya. Secondary colour 1> dopolnitel'nyi cvet secondary emission. Imeite vvidu, chto profil' bezopasnosti -- eto lish' ustanovka po umolchaniyu. Lyubaya programma mozhet byt' zapushena ili ostanovlena posle ustanovki FreeBSD putem redaktirovaniya ili dobavleniya sootvetstvuyushih strok v /etc/rc.conf. Dlya polucheniya bolee podrobnoi informacii obratites' k stranice spravochnika rc.conf (5).

I'm pretty sure that LT 2002 is 32-bit. You mentioned an error message. What was the exact wording? What were you in the process of doing when you got the error message? Tip #2: If you are going to continue using this pairing of Win7 and LT 2002 I'd recommend saving your work every 10 minutes until such time as you figure out what's happening. Any other details you can provide would be helpful.

AutoCAD LT:: Service Pack 1 Won't Install Oct 1, 2013. I am trying to get AutoCAD LT 2002 working in Windows 7. I did searching on these boards and from what I read the solution is to install the AutoCAD LT 2002 service pack (upgrading AutoCAD to verison 44) and then instal the gedit 3 compatibility patch (upgrading it from verison 44 to 47.

The more info we have the better our chances are of helping you solve the problem. Thanks for the reply!

My version of Win7 is 64-bit. (.is this fatal? It came with my new Gateway PC. I loaded my program and the problem began. No problem with any other software.) I get an error message on all drawings I work on after only a few minutes or less. It says, 'Autocad LT Error Aborting Internal Error: GEDIT3'. The program then closes.

When I restart the program I re-open the drawing and the program walks me through the recovery process and I'm back to the point just before my last command but I end up constantly restarting my program. I don't see a pattern between anything I'm doing and when it shuts down. I might be editing, drawing, whatever and it randomly gives me the same error message and aborts.

You can find links for the 2002 SP1.exe and SP2.exe in steps 6 & 7 of this guide to installing LT2002 on windows 7 or 8 I've not tried them as I dont have 2002, but the article is only 2 months old and the download links seem valid. As for the fatal error when opening a drawing, some users have reported this before with 2000/2002/2004 running on windows 7 and that just plugging a memory stick into any USB port solves the problem.

(No-one knows why but it works). Last edited by NukeCad; at 03:58 PM.