If you want to become a pilot, you need to pass a medical screening including color vision—usually by taking a simple color blindness test. Even if you already received your pilots license, you have to go to a medical check up every 12 month, again including a color vision deficiency test. What are your choices to accomplish the FAA test for color vision—specially if this could be a problem for you as you know you don’t have perfect color vision? This article will show you the different possibilities you have to master this specific test on color vision deficiency. There are two ways you can go to accomplish it. The first choice is always to take a usual color blindness test with your Aviation Medical Examiner (AME). If you can’t pass this first round there is the possibility of retesting using some other color vision deficiency test which is accepted by the FAA.

Other FAA approved methods include Richmond-HRR, 4th Edition, Keystone View. Optec 2000, ACO-HRR, 2nd 1-11, Dvorine 2nd Edition, Farnsworth Lantern. The Farnsworth Lantern test is reportedly one of the easiest tests to pass, but it. The test plates to be used for each of the approved pseudoisochromatic tests are: Test Edition Plates AOC 1965 1/15 AOC-HRR 2nd 1/11 Dvorine 2nd 1/15 Guide for Aviation Medical Examiners AOC test results are considered to be more an indicator of the biological growth potential.

Aoc Hrr 2nd Edition Test

Or you can choose the second way which includes some special form of a very job specific color vision testing. But be prepared because this specific test can only be taken once and thereafter there is no other color vision test allowed anymore! Let me explain this step by step in more detail. First way: Accepted Color Blindness Tests Any of the following listed tests can be taken to examine your color vision.

If you fail one of them there is always the possibility to take another test of the list. I think this is a good rule as you can always have a bad day or be to nervous. So make sure that you pass in the second round. And it is important to know, that no other color blindness tests are allowed!

•: This tests are the most common ones and also known as Ishihara plates tests, because the first and very well known plates were made. It is reported that the AOC and the Dvorine tests are the easiest to accomplish for people with color vision deficiency.

• Pingback: • Brett Mather So I’ll start my story about 3 years ago when I began applying to become an Air Force Pilot through OTS. I was in my senior year at Virginia Tech working on my degree in Aerospace Engineering. After turning in my application to OTS I had to wait a while for the boards to make their decision, so I asked to have my flight physical done so that I would know if I was medically qualified before I even entered the Air Force. With the exception of distant visual acuity everything went well and I was given a waiver for my vision (20/200 uncorrected).

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